Beliefs and Policies
Board and Staff

Incorporated in 1967, the North Dakota School Boards Association was established to bring together school board members from all parts of the state and to stimulate their interest in matters pertaining to public schools, including their ongoing improvement.

NDSBA provides various opportunities for professional development through its annual events, publications, and other services. The Legal Services Program is designed to prevent school districts from becoming involved in litigation and to put districts in the best position to win if sued. Policy Services is available on a subscription basis to support and improve policymaking by school boards. Legislative advocacy for local school board issues is provided on the state and federal level.

NDSBA is governed by a seven-member board of directors elected by delegates at the annual convention. Members include a president, vice president, past president, and four regional directors.

NDSBA staff members have many years of experience in school-related work and are available to answer a vast array of questions. Many problems are averted before they materialize because of the timely response to questions.

Our Mission

To support North Dakota school boards in their governance role through education, services, information, and legislative advocacy.



1224 West Owens Avenue
Bismarck ND 58501



Copyright © 2021 by the North Dakota School Boards Association, 1224 West Owens Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
