Beliefs and Policies

NDSBA Beliefs and Policies are permanent philosophical, legislative, and operational statements established by the Delegate Assembly. They are amended only by the action of that Assembly. NDSBA Standing Resolutions are adopted by the Delegate Assembly and are uniquely legislative. They are dropped after four years unless brought to the Delegate Assembly for reconsideration. In order to view NDSBA’s total legislative platform, please access both Beliefs and Policies and Standing Resolutions.

NDSBA’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) met on August 29, 2023, to act on resolutions for consideration by the Delegate Assembly at the Annual Convention. Participating committee members were: Karl Lembke, Chair (Bismarck); Patti Stedman (West Fargo); Marlana Knudson (May-Port CG); Jason Rohr (Jamestown); Mike Lautenschlager (Lewis & Clark); and Robin Nelson (Fargo).
Four resolutions were recommended for re-adoption and three resolution were recommended for re-adoption with amendments. The following is the GAC report and the committee’s recommendations:

2023 GAC Resolution Report

Copyright © 2021 by the North Dakota School Boards Association, 1224 West Owens Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
