Superintendent Evaluation Software

NDSBA offers online superintendent evaluation software for a one-time $350 fee plus $75 per board member per year.


  • Time savings: Individual board member evaluations are automatically compiled into a final document. The final document can be modified by the board to reflect the final votes on the evaluation.
  • Customization: Evaluations can be tailored to reflect the superintendent’s job description and responsibilities.
  • Ease of evaluation: board members’ notes on the superintendent’s performance can be captured throughout the year online or through a mobile app and retrieved to complete the evaluation, thus providing greater accuracy and detail. The superintendent’s self-assessment can also be reviewed while completing the evaluation.
  • Multiple formats: Superintendent evaluation may also be completed online or in hard copy. Evaluations completed in hard copy are entered into the online system by the business manager or board president before generating a compiled evaluation.
  • Retrievable: Past superintendent evaluations stored in the online evaluation software may be retrievable for reference purposes.
  • Expandable use: Software may also be used to complete the board self-evaluation, business manager evaluation, and school, personnel evaluations such as teachers and principals. The school board self-evaluation and business manager evaluation may be used by your board for no additional fee. Additional service fees apply if using the software for other school personnel evaluations.

Click here to watch a demonstration video.

Click here to download an application.

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Copyright © 2021 by the North Dakota School Boards Association, 1224 West Owens Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
