
NDSBA offers a variety of training opportunities for school board members that include the following:

  • An Annual Convention is held in late October or early November of each year. In addition to a Delegate Assembly meeting where the business of the association is conducted, there are many clinic sessions offered on timely topics. The Association of School District Business Managers has their annual meeting in conjunction with this activity. The New Member Seminar and School Law Seminar are scheduled for the day prior to the Annual Convention. [More Information]
  • Each year in February, NDSBA sponsors a Negotiations Seminar. An earlybird session on nonrenewal is held prior to the seminar and an evening session is offered on a current topic of interest. [More Information]
  • Regional Legislative Workshops are offered prior to and following each legislative session.

See the calendar for dates of training opportunities.

Copyright © 2021 by the North Dakota School Boards Association, 1224 West Owens Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
