Legal Services

The NDSBA Legal Services Program is an integral part of membership in NDSBA.  No separate fee is charged to member school districts for this service.  NDSBA members are welcome to contact NDSBA to obtain information regarding general requirements of laws and regulations.  Topics include personnel matters, open meetings and open records, student discipline, conflict of interest, negotiations, bid requirements, and parliamentary procedure.


Legal Direct

In addition to the benefits member districts receive from legal services through their membership, NDSBA Legal Counsel may now be retained to assist member school districts on a fee-for-services basis. More information on these services can be found here.

Legal Services Affiliation

If your legal issues are more extensive and require hiring a full-time attorney, the NDSBA Legal Services Affiliation consists of a group of North Dakota attorneys whose practice includes school law.


Related links:

School Law Seminar

ND Attorney General’s Office

ND Supreme Court

Copyright © 2021 by the North Dakota School Boards Association, 1224 West Owens Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
