Webinar Series: School Finance Training

This month-long webinar series dedicated to finance training for school board members occurred live every Thursday over Zoom during March 2023. 

If you’ve ever wanted to dive deeper than Finance 101, this is the series for you. Below you will find the list of topics that were covered each week:

March 2: Understanding Financial Reports – Darin Scherr, Bismarck Public School                        March 9: School District Mill Levies and Funds – Dr. Paul Stremick, Dakota Leadership Solutions    March 16: Budgeting for Success – Brandt Dick, Central Regional Education Association          March 23: Purchasing & Bidding for School Districts – Brandon Baumbach, Grand Forks Public Schools                                                                                                                                March 30: Bond Referendums – Amy De Kok, NDSBA General Counsel

If you would like to receive the recordings, presentations, and materials from the series, please contact Taylor Lassiter at taylor.lassiter@ndsba.org.

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